stage 3

The Three Faces of a Leader - Stage 3

The Three Faces of a Leader - Stage 3

In Stage 3, the leader ideally spends 10 percent of their time and energy wearing the Visionary Face, 60 percent wearing the Manager Face, and 30 percent wearing the Specialist Face. Stage 3 is dominated by managing work and people. Since the number of people in the organization has tripled from just two Stages ago, the Manager Face consumes the majority of the leader’s energy. For the first time in the Stages of Growth, the number of people in the organization exceeds the leader’s span of control. This new dynamic drives the need for the leader to delegate work they used to perform themselves.

Builder-Protector Ratio in a Stage 3 Company

Builder-Protector Ratio in a Stage 3 Company

In Stage 3, the ideal Builder-Protector Ratio is 1:1, which means there are equal levels of confidence and caution within the organization. This high level of caution helps stabilize the organization as it goes through the important transformation of being owner centric to becoming enterprise centric. The shift from being owner centric to enterprise centric is uniquely challenging. To manage the stress, the pace of change must be deliberately slowed. A reduced pace will create the stability needed to successfully survive the transition.

Addressing the Leadership-Staff Gap

Addressing the Leadership-Staff Gap

A Stage 3 business has between 20-34 employees. One of the top five challenges businesses of this size face is the existence of a gap between leadership and staff. A Stage 3 business now has too many people for the leader to directly oversee, which is why the leader needs to focus on delegation to managers. This new organizational layer can create an environment of inadequate communication with the staff.